Snoogle the Beast: I finally came out to tell the stories to my avid listeners
Knight Mark Adrian: We are excited for your next story because we can go to sleep after if we hear your stories.
Consort Linota: Yes I love hearing your romantic stories of chivalry and gallantry. The sword will be pierce a hard stone which can produce roses.
Thierry the Executioner: Now you're talking Snoogle. Your schedule take a bath is tomorrow and I am the one assigned to shower you. Today I will be buying toiletries at the store for your big beastly bath day tomorrow.

Samuel the Serf: hey Trina, will you offer flowers to the beast later?
Trina the Sly: Yes, I will give Snoogle chamomile, begonia, heliotrope and peony
Crier Hernando: You know what I enjoyed having a binge at the tavern while listening to Bard Ivon reading poem or acting her play
Chandler Guy: I love to drink ale, Bloody moss Mary, wine, cider, feast ale while listening or dancing to the playing of fiddle or lute by Bard Ivon. what about you Hernando, what are favorite drinks?
Crier Hernando: I love Hypocras, mulled wine, sparkling wine and honey mead.

Samuel the Serf: Why it take so long for Snoogle to come out? I am already hungry here.
Knight Mark Adrian: I am thinking of going to the water theme park in Iloilo, Philippines later.
Trina the Sly: Just wait, Samuel. Any moment from now he will be out and we can kiss Snoogle the beast if we want to.
Chandler Guy: I wonder what is Snoogle doing down there. Maybe he is combing his hair, putting make up and applying lipstick. hahahahaha....

Knight Mark Adrian: So bad. Snoogle the Beast is having an intimate affair again with John the Explorer.

Advisor Harry: I will do my best to win the game monkey, monkey, lucky nine and forty one from Merchant Dominic
Merchant Dominic of Tredony: Maybe but I am learning already those games who knows I can win some. Previously, the only game I know is solitary.
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