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Thursday, June 23, 2016

My The Sims 4 Images Part 41

Dancing at the porch. Kostas Stavros and his household friends dance at the porch. Look at the outfits. They look like they just woke up in the morning wearing their boots and briefs only.

Everybody is enjoying the music and dance

Don Lothario is having a fun time playing chess and conversation with Kostas Stavros while gaining some skills. On the other hand, Eric learn a trait of J Huntington.

Oh its Don Lothario's birthday

Here's the night scene at the birthday party of Don Lothario at their residence.

Here's a scene at the water theme park

Strolling around in the park

The view of the water theme park and Kostas Stavros residence

Don Lothario taking a portrait

Kostas Stavros and the alien child are having a dinner with warm conversation.

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